Antietam Valley Record on Aug 17, 1894
The following item appeared in a recent issue of the Tolland County Leader, of Rockville, Conn:
O.T. Reilly of Sharpsburg, Md., has lately had some photographs made of the 10 acre field at Antietam owned by the Sixteenth Conn. regt., also of the Reformed church, showing the front Memorial windowwhich was presented to the society by the regiment. He also has pictures of Burnside bridge and the two other bridges above. The Dunker church, National cemetery, Bloody Lane, Roulette's farm, McClellan's headquarters, Poffenberger's house and barn, Reno monument and other scenes of interest to soldiers and citizens. Mr. Reilly also deals in relics. A "Battlefield Guide" is a convenient and interesting work, as it gives a review of the Maryland campaign from September 1st to the 20th, 1862, and, of course, includes South Mountain battle. Any one expecting to take in the October excursion of the 8th, 11th, 14th, and 16th regiments will find in the "Guide" and these pictures much to assist them in sight seeing on that memorable bloody field.