Antietam Reunion – The reunion of ex-soldiers of the G.A.R. at Sharpsburg next week promises to be a success. Our Sharpsburg friends are making extensive preparations for the occasion.
Sharpsburg Items
Messrs. W. McCoy & Son of Rohrersville, and Mr. Mahlon Knadler of this place, have erected a very fine Granite Monument to the memory of Stephen P. Grove in Fairview Cemetery. Messrs. McCoy & Son have earned a reputation which, for exquisite workmanship and design, might be envied by many of their calling and profession.
The Reunion at Sharpsburg - The reunion and campfire of veterans of the late war at Sharpsburg, under the auspices of Antietam Post, No 14 G.A.R., began at this place, Thursday morning and will continue until Saturday evening. Religious services will be held on the grounds on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock before such veterans as shall remain at Sharpsburg over that day.
To-day all the grand army men present will attend the unveiling of a statue to be erected by New York veterans in Antietam National Cemetery. [20th New York Infantry – First monument on battlefield]
The G.A.R. of our town have made the necessary preparations for holding an encampment in Mr. Renner’s field near town.
The booming of the cannon remind many of twenty-five years ago.
The Reunion and Camp-fire of veterans of the late war, began here the fifteenth and continued until Saturday evening the 17th. Religious services were held on the premises on Sunday afternoon before the veterans that remained over that day.
The New York veterans having arrived on Saturday morning were formed in line at the railroad and marched to Antietam National Cemetery headed by the Harper’s Ferry and Sharpsburg bands and the G.A.R. post of this place. Here they unveiled a statue, which they have created to the memory of their fallen comrades. The ceremonies consisted of speeches in both English and German and music furnished by the bands. [20th NY]
The old roof of the Dunkard church has been replaced with a new one. O.T. Reilly bought two spring-wagon loads of the wood and will sell some of it as relics of that historic church.
Maj. Stearns of the Battlefield Board and Chaplain Stevens of the 14th Conn. Regt., visited Antietam battlefield last week, and purchased of R.D. Fisher who now owns the Mumma farm near the Dunkard church, a tract of ground 20 feet square for a site on which to erect a monument some time next summer to mark the extreme advance of that regiment where it was engaged in the 17th of September, 1862.